by Steve Rintoul during
Southern Ocean observing System Seeing Below the Ice Workshop
Video recording provided by SOOS, CSIRO (Hobart)
Video editing by Molly Zhongnan Jia.
Video recording provided by SOOS, CSIRO (Hobart)
Video editing by Molly Zhongnan Jia.
The Southern Ocean Observing
System (SOOS), an international program hosted and sponsored by the Institute
for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) at the University of Tasmania, led the Seeing Below the Ice Workshop, which was
sponsored by CSIRO ‘Wealth from Oceans Flagship’, the Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) project of the
World Climate Research Programme, and the Partnership for Observations of the
Global Ocean (POGO).
More than 50 international
scientists attended the Seeing Below the
Ice Workshop (22-25 October 2012, Hobart, Australia) to develop a strategy
to observe ocean structure and circulation and ice-ocean interactions in the
Antarctic sea ice zone.
Climate signals indicate that the
Antarctic sea ice zone is undergoing rapid and accelerating changes where
warming ocean meets both the sea-ice and ice shelves. These changes have
far-reaching effects through their impact on global sea-level rise and warming
rates, yet oceans below the ice are amongst the least understood and most
poorly monitored systems in the world.
The four-day workshop gave scientists
the opportunity to present the current status of polar observing systems in
both hemispheres, discuss key questions, define problems and recommend the
solutions required to develop a sustained strategy for observations in the
Southern Ocean sea-ice zone. A 10-year plan will now be developed to outline
the measurements needed, how to collect them and from where, in the sea ice
zone to study ocean - ice interactions.
Guest speakers at the workshop
came from over 20 countries and included Professor Walter Munk, physical
oceanographer, whose pioneering research more than 50 years ago demonstrated the relationship
between winds and ocean
Professor Munk also celebrated his 95th birthday in Hobart.
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